
Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Colorful Beginnings I am! First off, hello world. My name is Patrick, Pat, Pat.Jak and I am black, technically brown. It's really shouldn't matter, it really doesn't matter. But beyond who I am, what I do is really truthfully why I am here.

What is The Crayon Box?
"I am an artist and I am sensitive about my shit", said the beautifully amazing Erykah Badu. As an artist of color and a citizen of the world, my hue has become more of a question than a celebration. I seek to inform and enlighten but most importantly share some of the great stories and magic that is out there with other artists like myself. The artist community from the page to the stage and everywhere in between has alway been a voice of the generations yet many of those voices are seldom heard. It is my hope that through this blog I can share some of the lesser used "crayons" and get them some time to paint their pictures and color the world. The revolution is past being televised and now sits at the keys of our computers just waiting, yearning to be ignited. With that I light the first match.

So, stop by every two weeks (God willing I'm not saving the world one stage at a time) and I'll have a new colorful artist here to share their world with you!

#artsupportsart #insidethecrayonbox

There's always enough black to go around,


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