
Sunday, August 24, 2014

I've Been Gone for Too Long, Now It's Time To Bring It Back

Family! I took a much needed break for the summer. Truthfully, I was teaching full time in addition to my other duties at the theatre I work at and had absolutely NO time for interview, editing and all things blog related. That being said, I am so excited to be back to bringing you all exciting new artist profiles. I have some really wonderful individuals lined up for the Fall, plus some new features I'm looking into. I can't wait to share everything with you. Starting the first week of Sept!

Look for the newest artist profile to drop Friday Sept, 5 at 12noon EST.

I'll be starting a new feature #WebseriesWednesdays where I highlight some of my favorite webseries, starting Wednesday Sept, 3 at 12noon EST.

There's always enough black to go around,

