
Monday, May 19, 2014

Sharpening Your Crayons [A Story About Artistically Recharging]

As some of you may or may not know, I'm currently working at Florida Studio Theatre, located in Sarasota, FL as the WRITE A PLAY Program Coordinator and an Education Associate Artist. Looking past the big title, my main responsibilities are to oversee and run our touring and outreach programming. As a teaching artist, I lead various workshops and help with other outreach initiatives. I can also be seen on stage as a cast member of FST Improv on the weekends. My job is great, I love working here, but after living, learning, growing and working in Sarasota, for two years as an intern/apprentice and then finally transitioning to a full time staff member with very little time to vacation and/or take time away from work, I was in serious need of a recharge.

I found myself stressing over every little thing and was emotionally overwhelmed at work and outside of the office. Coming from my journeys in Atlanta at Morehouse and attending a pretty diverse high school, I must admit being one of the few brown crayons in the box at work became exhausting. I longed for social interaction with people that knew my short hand, that shared cultural, social and experiential similarities and most of all...I wanted some really really good food.

So this past weekend, I made a weekend vacation to my 2nd hometown, Atlanta, GA. I happened to schedule my trip the same weekend of commencement for my beloved Alma Mater, Morehouse College and the equally amazing Spelman College. I socialized, laughed, reminisced and boy oh boy did I stuff my stomach with the tasty delights that the southern Mecca is known for. It was a much needed refresher to reconnect with some of my friends and fraternity brothers that have stayed in the area.

I say all of this to say that sometimes we need that refresher, that recharge, that sharpening. Turn that crayon box around and use the sharpener in the back! What invigorates you? Who is your "person"? (Sorry...I watched the Grey's Anatomy Season Finale and am still living from it!) If you find yourself stressing and completely removed from what makes you tick, it may be time to take a moment and just sit. Relax and Recharge. My remedy was a weekend refresher. Yours may be too or it may just be completely unplugging from the world. Taking a day to go on a nature hike. Having a spa day. Whatever it is....DO IT. Don't be afraid to treat yourself....every now and then. As long as it doesn't break the bank :-)

There's always enough black to go around,
